Have fun with the kids making these fun sleepover snacks. Encourage creativity with different mix-ins and variations.
1 package Pillsbury cresent dough (un-perforated if you can find it)
Mini Marshmallows
Teddy Grahams
Chocolate bars, broken into 1-inch squares
Optional mix-ins and decoration: flavored baking chips, banana slices, nut butter, cookie butter, Nutella, sprinkles, edible paints
1. Cut the cresent dough into 1.5 x 2.5 inch rectangles.
2. Put a 1-inch piece of chocolate on the upper half of the rectangle
3. Put one mini-marshmallow on the chocolate as a pillow
4. Put a bear-shaped graham cracker cookie on the pillow
5. Add optional mix-ins below the bear
6. Fold up the bottom half of the dough and “tuck in” the bear but crimping the edges with a fork
7. Optional: Decorate the outside of the dough with sprinkles or edible paints
8. Bake for 8-10 minutes until the dough is lightly browned.