Fresh herbs are one of my favorite inclusions in summer cooking. For a number of years, I have grown potted herbs on my deck. Each fall, I try to bring them in and keep them alive through the winter but inevitably, they get too dry and die. When spring comes around again, I am counting down the days until planting.

During the past few weeks, I have been pondering what to plant and have found myself wavering. Of course, I could buy more pots and plants and put dozens in but that is too much to manage and plus, this process of selection is fun. Which will make it… which will be denied… what plants will hold the precious windowsill spot… what new herb may lead me to the best new recipes?

With these difficult decisions to make, I have decided to do some Research & Development. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for many recipes featuring fresh herbs (store bought) to help guide the final planting process to take place after Memorial Day.

The Front Runners: Basil (always a winner), Thyme, Rosemary, Chives

Up for Consideration: Thai Basil, Cilantro , Mint, Tarragon, Sage, Dill, Lemongrass

Out of the Running: Parsley (ick, don’t like it fresh) & Oregano (planted it last year and never used it fresh as I always turn to my dried Greek oregano)

Herb growers come forth… have I missed a winner from my list of contestants? Nominations welcome.