Growing up in Michigan, I feel some sort of affinity-by-association with cherries. The season may be coming to an end, but fortunately for all the cherry-lover...
I'm attempting a healthy snacking revolution. Anyone want to join me?
Confession #1: I'm a snack hoarder.
Confession #2: I am pretty messy.
Together, these...
A little slab of bacon on hand = a whole lot of flavor waiting to be unleashed in new places.
I bought this little piece of uncut bacon the other day. I had ...
It's hard to believe... we made it through the winter.
Today was over 60 degrees. It felt like heaven. The spring bulbs were NOT killed by the polar vortex! Th...
An exercise in turning yourself into a spread of delicious edibles. What does it look like?
An article in the current Martha Stewart Living magazine caught my ...
I've been slack. Like the increasing mental weight if an overdue library book, my lack of posting has been giving me tinges of guilt and a growing sense of duty...
A few bits of news from the Chicago food scene.
I love Chicago. Though I appreciate all that New York and other big cities have to offer, I am a hometown, ...
I rarely jog, I'm much more of a swimmer. A few weeks ago, I took a few laps around the small track at my gym. As I rounded the corner, the sun was streaming in...
In one day, I peered into the crater of a volcano, saw monkeys, heard toucans, spied iguanas and crocodiles sunning themselves, met my first poison dart frog, h...
Spilling the beans.
I have not been posting regularly and haven't shared many recipes. Every time I start a post, I end up staring at the screen, typing a few ...
The little kale plant had been placed in the edible garden in late fall alongside the large curly-leafed kale bundles and swiss chard bunches that had been grow...
A January-in-Chicago kind of picnic.
Winter sometimes requires a little ingenuity to keep one from feeling cooped up. Though it is my daughter that inspires ...