Need to keep kids occupied while preparing for a dinner party? Get them involved in the right kind of tasks.
It's amazing what some zig-zag scissors and scrap ...
In honor of National Ice Cream Month, we rounded up the neighbors and hosted an ice cream social.
I always get a kick out of seemingly pointless food holid...
Treating snack time with a little pomp and circumstance as I ease away from sugar habits.
It is so easy to get in the habit of rewarding kids with sugar. We fi...
This weekend, we learned that a Christmas Tree cookie cutter can also make Halloween Witch cookies.
On Saturday, Mini Whipped and I spent nearly a half hour sc...
Browned butter in the batter adds an unmistakably extra flavor that sets these cookies apart.
As the weather cools, my oven calls to me... time to warm the kit...
Another sweet treat from my Spice Islands Flavor Explorations. Bookmark these vanilla marshmallows with the homemade cinnamon graham crackers recipe for your su...
"Cheap beer? Are you kidding me!? The least you could have done was put me in here next to a nice bottle of Champagne."
All day Friday, this scene in my refr...
We don't eat many processed foods in our house. Though treats are plentiful, they are usually in the form of homemade baked goods. One regular exception is the ...
A January-in-Chicago kind of picnic.
Winter sometimes requires a little ingenuity to keep one from feeling cooped up. Though it is my daughter that inspires ...
Last week, during my stint as Snack Mom at preschool, I worked to win over my pint-sized customers with a special surprise that lurked at the bottom of each sna...
28 preschoolers + 5 days = 140 snacks. My first "snack week" began yesterday with the presentation of Blueberry Swirl Muffins.
This week is my first stint as t...
Stumbled upon this photo from the archives. At first, I wondered if I was dressed up as the Morton Salt girl for Halloween. Nope, just my rainy day get-up circa...