During the holidays, I love having a spiced cookie in my rotation. Usually, I turn to these giant ginger snap cookies, which are a family favorite. This year, ...
Is it worth the extra time to cast aside the box and make homemade vanilla pudding?
As long as I can remember, I have loved vanilla puddings, custards, and cre...
Last week, One Hope Wine asked me to develop a recipe in honor of National Wine Day - it's today! One Hope donates money from sales of their wine and gifts to s...
Add a little Halloween flair to the usual Dirt Cake.
This past weekend, I volunteered to make two cakes for the cake walk at our school's fundraising event, Pu...
Put your pie or tart dough scraps to work and add some star-spangled flair to the top of your dessert.
Our poor dog. Already, the firecrackers have begun shout...
Putting banana pudding parfaits in jars make them easy to store and easier to bring with you.
Somewhere online, I saw this book about desserts in jars. I sor...
Let Red Velvet season begin!
Red Velvet is today's culinary "it" girl. Dozens of dedicated Pinterest boards, devoted red velvet enthusiasts, concoctions of all...
After a silly turn of events and a third annual holiday party, it's been determined that THIS is the winning rum cake.
Two years ago, I was 8 months pregnant w...
This weekend, we learned that a Christmas Tree cookie cutter can also make Halloween Witch cookies.
On Saturday, Mini Whipped and I spent nearly a half hour sc...
Browned butter in the batter adds an unmistakably extra flavor that sets these cookies apart.
As the weather cools, my oven calls to me... time to warm the kit...
This is the sort of cake you should bring to a new neighbor or serve after a casual meal with friends. Not too elaborate, not too big but impressively delicious...
"Cheap beer? Are you kidding me!? The least you could have done was put me next to a nice bottle of Champagne."
All day Friday, this scene in my refrigerator ...