I have great news! I have secured good luck for 2009. January 1st was my husband's 'Name Day.' In Greece, everyone celebrates the "Name Day" of the saint that b...
Let's start the week out with something extra delectable, shall we? A real diet breaker. A get your mind out of the Monday-gutter type of recipe.
I love bund...
You are looking at a photo of what just might be my all time favorite food. I hate to make extreme statements and my tastes often change. But, right now, if I h...
We are in the height of blueberry goodness and I am loving more than a pint of blueberries a week. I've been popping them straight into the mouth, accessorizing...
A big thank you to my second guest blogger, Stephanie. She was kind enough to find time in her very busy schedule to write a post for Whipped. What is she so bu...
I tackled my first major baking project since having the baby. Wow... it took a LOT longer to get a simple cake made. Measure and sift the flour... feed the bab...
Five Stars. Top Dog. Fireworks Worthy. Blue Ribbon. Top Drawer. Best in Show.
These are the best cupcakes that have ever come out of my kitchen. Now, I am not ...
I made and ate an enormous amount of cookies in December. However, a mere month later, I am back in the saddle and ready to bake... and overeat.... more cookies...
This past weekend, a most exciting thing happened in my life. I received my first organic produce weekly delivery box. I have been counting down the days like a...
My friend Stephanie (who is a co-founder of this amazing non-profit in Portland, Oregon) has been telling me for ages about her awesome cheesecake recipe. She e...
Utilizes fresh in-season fruit. check
Pretty enough to present to guests. check
Takes 5 minutes to make. check
Crowd pleaser. check
There are very few di...
Inspired by a new, thoughtful comment to an old Would You Rather... I decided it was time for a fresh debate.
Would you rather give up all desserts for the r...