Once upon a time, there was a chick who was best friends with a bunny. At first, their families did not approve of their friendship…

We are always working to make food fun around here. Mini Whipped is at her best when we keep her challenged and engaged – less time for her terrible threes to surface (whoever said it was terrible twos got it wrong in my book.) Sometimes the most simple, creative activities can turn an afternoon around.

We all know that food presentation matters and is a huge part of an eating experience. So, it should be no surprise that the more fun a presentation is to a kid, the more likely she is to have fun eating it. Try breaking out your cookie cutters and making Jell-o shapes with your wee ones. Then, arrange the cut outs together and make up stories to go along with your “scenes.”  Jello might not be the healthiest snack but it sure isn’t the worst either. And it scores very high points for entertainment value.